Meet Jenell Jones
Jenell M. Jones M.Ed is an early education entrepreneur, currently operating multiple early learning centers, that specialize in providing high-quality learning experiences to children who experience trauma in low-income areas. Her educational background includes earning a bachelor’s degree in business management and a master’s in curriculum and instruction with an emphasis on autism spectrum disorders from Arizona State University.
Jenell is an adoptive mother with over two decades of experience as a biological, step, and foster mother with a heart to love and serve. She began her journey as a foster mother in 2005 after taking on the responsibility of her son unexpectedly. Her experience was great and inspired her to adopt more children and continue opening her home to shower children with love. In 2015 she took in her daughter who shifted Jenell’s perspective on the adoption experience when she began noticing undisclosed life-altering dysfunctions in her child. Her latest book, “Shattered” tells the story of her deepest pain as a mother and uncovered the truth about fostering, adoption, and fighting for her child’s life. In the end, justice is necessary and peace is questionable.
Jenell M. Jones M.Ed is on a mission to bring awareness to the flawed system and make a change for the betterment of the families and children involved.

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